Peach Melba Smoothie

The weather is warming and peaches are back in season. It’s time to celebrate!


This fruity and refreshing drink is a modern take on the classic Peach Melba, a dessert of peaches served with vanilla ice cream and a raspberry sauce. While the Peach Melba has a fine pedigree, it was invented by the famous French chef Auguste Escoffier in honour of the Australian opera singer Dame Nellie Melba, it’s been a long time since Peach Melba was fashionable. This is a shame for such a great flavour combination.

This smoothie may be made with either fresh or tinned peaches, with tinned peaches will give a sweeter taste, so it may be enjoyed year round.

I have included chia seeds to thicken the drink. Chia seeds are a super healthy plant source of Omega-3s and complete proteins and may be added to all sorts of drinks and dishes to boost its nutritional value. I add them to my muesli. Chia seeds are so mainstream now that they are available at the supermarket.

The recipe below is enough for one large smoothie or two modest brunch sized ones. A little Southern Comfort makes a nice touch for a brunch drink.

1/4 cup frozen raspberries
1 peach, stone removed and sliced or 1/2 cup tinned peach slices
3/4 cup milk (any sort)
2 tsp chia seeds
1 tsp vanilla extract
handful of small ice cubes
30ml (or so) Southern Comfort (optional)

Place all ingredients in a blender and blitz until smooth. Serve and enjoy immediately.

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