Measurements & Conversions

Do you live in the grey bit on the map below? Are you yet to embrace the metric system? This page is for you!

The grey areas show the countries which do not use the metric system. Source: Wikipedia

The grey areas show the countries which do not use the metric system. Source: Wikipedia

I use metric measurements and an electric scale when I am in the kitchen, but I understand not everyone does. I always intend to include equivalent imperial measurements in my recipes however often I forget. So I have included this page to help you!


Celsius (C) = Fahrenheit (F)
180 = 350
190 = 375
200 = 400
220 = 425


Grams (g) = Ounces (oz)
15 = 1/2
30 = 1
60 = 2
90 = 3
125 = 4
155 = 5
185 = 6
220 = 7
250 = 8

Cups & Spoons

Standard cup and spoon measurements do vary slightly between Australia and other countries such as the USA. The difference is only slight and unlikely to make any noticeable difference to the outcome.

Millilitres (ml) = Spoons
1.25 = 1/4 teaspoon
2.5 = 1/2
5 = 1
15 = 1 tablespoon
20 = 1 Australian tablespoon

Millilitres (ml) = Cups
62.5 = 1/4
83.3 = 1/3
125 = 1/2
250 = 1


Centimetres (cm) = Inches
1 = 1/2
2 = 3/4
2.5 = 1
20 = 8
23 = 9
25 = 10

This information came from The Macquarie Dictionary of Cookery. If you would prefer to use an online calculator I recommend a visit to the National Measurement Institute’s website.

Happy Baking!

Measuring Cups

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